So this is a guy who rides around on his bicycle selling Balut. What is Balut you ask? Well...... Balut is an almost fully developed duckling that is roughly a week shy of hatching. It is an expensive little creature that the Pinoy's love to eat. You crack it open drink the juice than peel the eggshell downwards eating the embryo as you go. Yes there are eyes, feathers, legs, and of course the yoke sac. Its a good thing the texture is mush so one cannot identify these parts as the little guy goes down. Balut is the stuff of legends. We first heard about it before we left the states in Detroit. Well I knew it was coming at some point and that point was this past Thursday. Kate said no but being the recovering veggie boy that I am I could not help but giving it a shot. All and all not that bad. If your planning to visit start psychin yourself up now....
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